
Reconstituted memories from the early days of humanity’s interstellar journey. Through the eyes of the visionary exophotographer himself.

Fragment #004 // “Dark Plains”

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This item may be unavailable for a number of reasons. It may be in the process of being listed or re-listed for sale or be in the possession of a collector who does not wish to sell at this time.

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In case it wasn’t apparent, the Engram Institute, Solal Moyer, and the story described on this site is a work of fiction. Any similarities to real people, places, or organisations is unintentional. It is part of a private art project to explore the transient and intangible nature of human memory. To explore the question: even if we could download and see snapshots from another person’s memory, could we truly capture and interpret them as that person did? It has also been a vehicle to explore Generative Art, the NFT ecosystem, and the effectiveness of AI / Machine Learning to add verisimilitude to world-building.

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