The Solal Moyer collection is now available

Following intensive work to reconstitute the memories of Solal Moyer, the Engram Institute is pleased to announce the first 15 memory fragments have been successfully retrieved, and are now available to view in the Solal Moyer collection.

The collection will be made available shortly on, and the delicate work to interpret and reconstitute the memory fragments is ongoing, meaning the collection is likely to grow in the coming weeks. Check back later for more details.

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Why is this item unavailable?

This item may be unavailable for a number of reasons. It may be in the process of being listed or re-listed for sale or be in the possession of a collector who does not wish to sell at this time.

Be sure to check back regularly if you want a chance to own this item.


In case it wasn’t apparent, the Engram Institute, Solal Moyer, and the story described on this site is a work of fiction. Any similarities to real people, places, or organisations is unintentional. It is part of a private art project to explore the transient and intangible nature of human memory. To explore the question: even if we could download and see snapshots from another person’s memory, could we truly capture and interpret them as that person did? It has also been a vehicle to explore Generative Art, the NFT ecosystem, and the effectiveness of AI / Machine Learning to add verisimilitude to world-building.

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